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Alexander Gaguine on the Stan

Status: Live River
By: Tim Palmer
Date: June 5, 1980

Alexander was a huge force in the Stanislaus campaigns and one of the key strategists in the overall non-violence approach used to fight the flooding of the river. He was an FOR staffer for many years along the way and a voice of passion and ethics. He says: “I’ve never been more certain of anything than this: it was wrong to destroy the life, beauty, and ongoing human experience and love of that place.”  For years he was FOR’s most artiuclate communicator of the campaign, of the Rivers magic, and core issues; he was central for growing the community and the Stanislaus prose that touched hearts everywhere.

Format: Photograph
Collection: Tim Palmer's Collection
Rights: Copyright Tim Palmer 1980

Date uploaded: Sep 11, 2018
Date last modified: Oct 31, 2023