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FOR 2009 Event Honoring Stanislaus River Heroes – part 3 (Pete McCloskey)

Status: Dead River
By: Christian Kallen
Date: October 16, 2009

Friends of the River’s 2009 annual benefit and auction honored the “Stanislaus campaigners” who helped found the citizens environmental group. It was held this year at San Francisco’s Presidio, on Oct 16, 2009.  This segment features former U.S. Rep Pete McCloskey (R-Palo Alto), who keynotes the 2009 Friends of the River awards night, reflecting on the changes in the two parties’ approach to environmental issues. The first segment of this event is here, the second is here.

Keywords: Event, FOR, Memoir, Protests
Format: Video
Collection: Christian Kallen's Collection
Rights: Christian Kallen, 2009

Date uploaded: Feb 15, 2023
Date last modified: Apr 30, 2024