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Old 1880s steam engine near Marty's Camp

Status: Live River
By: Valerie and Donley Olson
Date: 1975

John Cassidy et al in “Guide to Three Rivers” describe this engine as likely brought in to operate an overhead crane to move boulders or to run a dragline dredge, all to help find gold in the river. This was likely mounted on a sled base, then the steam engine would pull itself through a winch system – likely all the way from Vallecito!
Most ‘steam donkeys’ were striped of the ships in SF Bay and brought to help mine. Sharon Coldwell in back, in overalls.

Keywords: Camp, Cultural
Format: Photograph
Collection: Admin's Collection
Rights: Copyright Valerie and Donley Olson 1975

Date uploaded: Apr 15, 2021
Date last modified: Jun 9, 2022